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Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya
Get high quality borehole drilling services at affordable rates in Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos, Kajiado, Nakuru, Eldoret, Mombasa and the rest of Kenya. We Drill boreholes and develop wells for homes, schools, community centers, organization and businesses.
Enjoy Top Notch Affordable Borehole Drilling Services in Nairobi, Mombasa, Machakos, Nakuru, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kitui, Isiolo, Turkana and the rest of Kenya
Borehole design, Borehole drilling and Borehole development is a complex operation. If you are considering installing a borehole and you would like the experience to be as streamlined and successful as possible then there are some key pointers to be aware of so that you can reduce what can be a frustating, time consuming and expensive affair.
You are here, so its very likely that you have gone through the pros and cons of acquiring borehold drilling services and owning your own sufficient borehole. We however take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of having your own borehole on your premises.
best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos[/caption]
1. Huge savings on your water bill
You get water directly from nature and therefore, you are able to cut down on consumption. You have more water for , farming, cleaning, farm animals consumption and other uses.
2. Provides water security for your family
With your own borehole, you are guaranteed a continuous source of water. Water cuts whether by design or by accident have less effect on your water consumption rates for you, your home, family, institution or center.
3.Water independence
Going by the previous point, your own borehole grants you a better leve of independence on where you source your water. It definitely is desirable.
4. An investment / business opportunity
A borehole grants you the ability to avail water to the community or homes around you. You are at the discretion of how you make this happen. Whether its by charity or business. A borehole is indeed commercially viable. You are also able to save on expenditures on water and can allocate your financial resources to other needs.
Dial 0722466091 For Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya
Then again, everything comes with a cost and downsides. In this case, Drilling a borehole also has its challenges.
1. A messy process whereby your garden will need a period to renew.
The process will entail digging up loads of soil and dirt. Your well kept lawn could be messedup for the duration of the borehole drilling proccess. And it will need restoration and renewal. However, looking at the advantages of the final product, this con can be overlooked.
2. No guarantee of finding water (although we have a 100% success rate)
Its true that you are not guaranteed to find water at some of the spots you need your borehole drilled. However, our geological experts will do the necessary studies and assessments to ensure that the spot where the borehole drilling is conducted, is the right spot. And we can guarantee you with a 100%level of surerity, that once we start the drilling process, it wont be a futile process.
What is the Difference Between a Wellpoint and a Borehole?
a). Well
A Wellpoint is possible to be installed where the geological formation are favourable, preferably porous soil and the water table is relatively close to the surface. It consists of a PVC / polyethylene pipe inserted into the soil with a centrifugal pump mounted on the surface.
b). Borehole
The installation of a wellpoint takes approximately 2-4 hours. A Borehole is a much deeper extraction. A Borehole can have the depth of about 30 to 100 meters or even more. A large PVC / polyethylene casing are used to be able to install a submersible pump to extract the water to the surface. To install a borehole it can take approximately 3-5 days.
Our Exclusive Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya
Bestcare Services specializes in Wellpoint and Borehole drilling and maintenance. We offer a complete service that cover all aspects of wellpoints and boreholes.
Agriculture, Industrial & Domestic Borehole Drilling : Borehole drilling services for home owners to use on their farmlands, for agricultural use and domestic use. Have enough water to irrigate your crop and feed your farm animals. And some more water for your home-use.
Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Boreholes : When you have an old borehole that has been unused for some time, for one reason or another, reach out to us to help with rehabilitation, dredging, cleanup and reinstation.
Domestic & Industrial Pump Sales & Repairs : we deal in water pumps to help with retrieving water from your borehole, automating your water supply system by pumping the borehole water into your shower, taps and usage points.
Water Tank Storage Systems :
All Electrical Installations of Equipment
Irrigation Design & Installation
Excellent After Sale Service
Valve and Pipework
Dial 0722466091 For Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya
Prior to all the whole borehole drilling service and borehole accessories installations, we provide a written quotation. This will indicate the schedule of work and the associated costs, with our terms and conditions.
To provide you with a quotation, we need information about your requirements and location of the works. This can be provided via correspondence and a reconnaisance. With our knowledge and your information a quote will be ready in no time.
borehole drilling in kiambu, machakos, kajiado and nakuru keya[/caption]
Dowsing: We have installed hundreds of boreholes without using the method of dowsing, but to put your mind at rest, we will put you in touch with a professional geophysicist on your request. He will charge a fee for his service and provide you with a hydro geological survey.
Boreholes are highly sought after facilities. With the expensive water rates and weather patterns, attention has increasingly focused on the necessity of this vital resource.
With prices now increasing plus standing charges, your wellpoint or borehole water supply can save huge amounts of money. A properly designed borehole can pay for itself, sometimes in a matter of months.
Borehole and wellpoint water supplies offer huge savings to many users, sport fields, housing schemes, farms and leisure centres. The installation of a borehole or wellpoint adds extra value to your property.
Constructing a Borehole after the Borehole Drilling process
You have to make sure that the contractor drilling your borehole or wellpoint has experience in your area. How he drills your borehole is just as important as where it is drilled.
In Kenya, Rotary Mud drilling is the most used due to the ground structure. After drilling to the required depth and water is found, the boreholes is lined with PVC casing (made of plastic) or steel casing depending on the ground structure.
Special screens are slotted (screened) to allow the water through at the right pressure. These slots avoid sediment being drawn in along with the water. The thickness of the PVC (class 16 PVC) is determined by the depth of the hole. The thinner classifications is class 12 or class 9.
The area around the screened PVC (annulus) is packed with gravel (grade 6) or 16/30 sand that act as a filter. The borehole is now ready to be “developed”. This is done by using a compressor to blow out the chemically treated water. This proses is done until perfectly clear water appears.
If the borehole is not “developed” it can have a big influence on the amount of water produced by the borehole. Steel casing is used only if a hard formation is encountered. The method of drilling will change from mud to rotary drilling to air percussion drilling. Steel sleeves are lowered down until the “rock” is struck. The air percussion drilling will proceed until water is struck. Clean and clear water is normally found in these rocks.
If it is necessary to line the hole with PVC, the PVC casing is inserted into the steel casing. The annulus between the steel and PVC is filled with gravel or 16/30 filter sand to act as a filter. The final, but very important part, is lowering a reliable stainless steel submersible pump, powered by electricity into the boreholes. The pump will bring water to the surface under pressure.
The size of the pump is determined by the flow of the water and the depth of the hole. A proper borehole for domestic purposes should deliver between 500 and 3500 litres of water per hour. Great care is taken in the way we do the engineering of the hole. We use safe, non-toxic materials within the boreholes.
best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos[/caption]
Borehole Maintenance (Borehole maintenance services in Kenya)
Why install a perfect and high quality borehole if you don’t maintain it? Prevention is better than cure. To keep your borehole at peak efficiency, and minimize the possibility of a breakdown it is recommended that the borehole and pumps are serviced on a yearly basis.
Borehole Maintenance and Rehabilitation:
We offer services to assist with the maintenance and improvement of existing installations.
Rehabilitation of existing boreholes (cleaning with compressor)
Removing of borehole and booster pumps
Pump testing
Servicing of borehole and booster pumps
Cleaning of holding tanks
Upgrading of existing system
Servicing and maintenance of such an expensive asset will ensure maximum lifespan of pumps and boreholes.
Commercial Borehole Drilling in Kenya
We have experience of working in all walks of life, farmers and companies requiring a private supply for their own production processes or for irrigation purposes.
bestcare borehole drilling kenya[/caption]
Cutting Costs
Boreholes pay for themselves in a very short time. Frequently cutting costs by at least 80%. Users such as these benefit by cutting costs and making major savings on water resources related expenditure :
Sports grounds and Golf courses
Domestic housing with small to big gardens
Rural villages and communities
Schools and learning institutions
Borehole Pumps, Pump Parts and Pump Supplies
Each borehole and wellpoint requires its own specific pump and parts for optimal use.
Submersible borehole pumps
Wellpoint pumps
Water Filters
Booster pumps
Fittings, pumps and valves
Water Storage Tanks
A water storage tank is fitted where the water pressure is not enough. Especially if you want to connect the water directly to your irrigation. Holding tanks vary in size and the size chosen will be determined after the amount of water is established from the borehole in conjunction with the quantity that is needed to irrigate.
A booster pump pumps water to the irrigation system. The filling of the storage tank from the borehole is attached via a level control device. Booster pumps vary in size depending on the needs and is fitted with a dry run protection unit. It can also be connected to stand up pipes around the property to feed hoses.
Bestcare Borehole Drilling Services is a privately owned company that specialises in professional drilling of boreholes throughout Kenya. We help individuals, home owners, schools, churches, community centers, water businesses, and other types of clients get highly efficient and productive boreholes.
Our borehole drilling services are available in Nairobi County, Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu, Kitui, Mombasa, Malindi,Kwale, Nyeri, Meru, Embu, Isiolo, Samburu, Nakuru, Kisii, Kisumu, Kakamega, Busia, Vihiga, Uasin Gishu, Turkana, Migori, Nyandarua, Bomet and all the other counties, town and centers in Kenya.
Our team has more than 20 years of knowledge and expertise in this trade of business and all of our team members have a passion for what they do. Our outstanding experience and expertise are the foundation on which we built our reputation. Our employees also have years of experience in operating in different geological areas in Kenya.
Our services include (but are not limited to),
Rotary air-percussion drilling,
Odex drilling, water drilling,
Exploration for mining,
Drilling of blasting holes
Drilling of holes for power lines.
We have also done numerous projects in the private sector for farmers, at residential properties, hospitals and in rural areas. Ee have drilled more than 700 boreholes.
The location of your borehole is mainly determined by the borehole’s purpose and requires desk study, site assessments, and surveys to assess the following considerations:
Output What will it be used for? – Is it for drinking water, household use, irrigation or other water related functions?
Access Is there accessibility for the drilling team and equipment?
Location Is the proximity of the borehole location appropriate for its use?
Yield Will there be sufficient yield and appropriate water quality for the intended purpose?
Quality Have potential sources of water contamination been evaluated in the assessment?
Forms Has the required borehole application form been submitted to the municipality 14 days prior to abstraction?
Borehole design is important and necessary. A well designed borehole with a professional install should result in a cost effective, reliable, robust method of obtaining water for the future.
Further, a well designed borehole can protect the natural groundwater from becoming contaminated. Sadly, borehole design and development is one of the most overlooked aspects within the industry and not enough time, care or attention is put into this vital stage of the process.
Current climate models predict that boreholes as a long-term supply and quality source of our groundwater should be highly considered.
Optimisation Ensures that the borehole has the best opportunity to be fit for purpose e.g. highest yield with minimum drawdown
Quality Best quality water possible for the installation
Fresh Free from salt water intrusion near coastal areas
Filtered Sand-free water
Protected Appropriate protection from contamination
Two 1.5 m mud pits are dug
The first is to capture the cuttings that surface during the drilling process
The second mud pit is to recirculate the now cleaner water back into the hole which assists the boring process
Drilling commences to the desired depth. Once we have water we drop our PVC casings down (unless it is a rock/boulder drill where the process differs). Construct appropriate formation of casings, screens, gravel and chipstone backfill which help filter the water
Once you have a water supply our drillers will:
Thoroughly flush the hole of all loose debris
Insert the pump and let it run for 24 hours to remove any contaminants
Assess the current water yield and improve if necessary
Ensure the formation of the casings, screens and gravel allow for easy passage of the water into the borehole
Ensure the borehole is fit for purpose e.g. yield, diameter, depth, casing and screen, gravel pack/formation etc.
The hole is secured with a cap
Electrical cables and the controls for the pump are run and tested
The site is cleaned
There are three main types of borehole drill terrains :
Mud Rotary drilling is a versatile and dependable technique ideal for drilling into soft rocks, sand and clay layers. The process uses rotating hollow drill pipes which carry down drilling muds to lubricate, cool and clean the drill bit whilst drilling the hole.
The Mud Rotary technique also coats the side of the borehole with a thin layer of clay from the drilling fluids which stabilises the wall of the borehole.
Once water has been located, the water is flushed clean and the walls of the borehole are stabilised with PVC casings.In Kenya, most areas are a combination of mud and rock drilling.
Rock Percussion drilling is used on hard rock layers and uses compressed air to drive a pneumatic hammer into the rock. Our rigs are combination rotary-percussion drilling, The combined hammering and rotation of the bit results in the relatively speedy penetration of hard rock.
Once you have drilled through rock it is a solid hole which nothing can collapse into. In Kenya, most areas are a combination of mud and rock drilling.
In areas, like Somerset West, the underlying rock structure consists of large boulders which can collapse into the hole whist drilling. BESTCARE drilling is a specialised drilling technique in which steel casings are attached to the hammer part of the drill and protect the drill and drilling process from dislodged boulders.
The steel casings are left in the ground to maintain the structure of the hole. This method, like rock drilling, uses an air compressor which drives a pneumatic hammer through the rock.
As pertains to borehole drilling and development services in Kenya, we are able to deliver the services listed here with speed, precision and quality results, at affordable charges :
A variety of borehole drilling methods are used to assess the geophysical property of the underlying area for the drilling of boreholes in private and public sectors. The type of ground and geology of the site will determine depth of the borehole, because ground water flows differently at different locations. The purpose for drilling the borehole will also affect the water quality needed and processes used to sink the borehole successfully.
An excellent option when unconsolidated formations are too dense or cobbly for Auger Drilling. Odex is an adaptation of the down-hole air hammer system that is designed to advance casing during drilling. Once a desired depth is reached the eccentric bit can be retrieved leaving the casing in place for sampling or installations.
This is the initial phase of drilling for the purpose of determining the physical properties and boundaries of a reservoir. Exploration Drilling should occur before development drilling should take place.
The supply, installation and commissioning of a pump system depends largely on the depth of the borehole, piping and the amount of water to be pumped into the pressure requirements of the system. The borehole submersible pump will pump into a pressure tank linked to the main water supply of the borehole submersible pump, then pump out the tank using a pressure pump to the home.
Different diameter size drilling and depths required for power line poles.
Installing water filtration systems to ensure all undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases are removed from the water in order to produce water for all household purposes.
Borehole and pump maintenance is important to adhere to in order to ensure the best returns on your investment. Quality constructed private water supply systems require routine maintenance. With regular borehole maintenance check-ups you can not only extend the working life of the borehole but also maintain its efficiency and borehole yield.
Having gone through the detailed information about boreholes, why you need one, the drilling process, types of boreholes and the borehole drilling services that we offer in Kenya, here is how you can get our borehole drilling services :
#1 Borehole-drilling copany in nairobi kenya
We encourage our clients to request a basic drilling quotation before a site visit..
After the completion of the site visit and acceptance of the quotation, terms and conditions allocates a spot on the drilling list.
The drilling process is planned and prepared on-site before we commence with the drilling to ensure the client’s best interest is kept at heart.
We clean the premises and surrounding area after drilling. We will strive to return the area back to its normal state. Items of value should just be removed prior to the drilling process.
A water sample is tested to establish the quality of water. Test pump installed to determine per hour flow rate of borehole and installation depth.
After the flow rate test was completed we provide you with another quote for the borehole pump and other water services requirements.
After acceptance of the installation quotation we install the borehole pump and any other installations as required.
We visit our customers after installation to welcome you to the borehole family and ensure that you are satisfied with the completed work done on your premises.
Bestcare Borehole Drilling is a trusted company in Kenya that specializes in borehole drilling and related services. With years of experience, the company is known for its high-quality services, modern equipment, and skilled professionals. Their goal is to provide efficient water solutions for homes, farms, schools, and industries across Kenya.
Services Offered by Bestcare Borehole Drilling
1. Borehole Drilling
The core service provided by Bestcare Borehole Drilling is professional borehole drilling. They offer solutions for both domestic and commercial clients, ensuring access to a reliable water source. Their team uses state-of-the-art drilling equipment to ensure precision and depth accuracy.
2. Hydrogeological Survey
Before drilling a borehole, it is essential to conduct a hydrogeological survey to determine the presence and depth of underground water. Bestcare works with experienced geologists who provide detailed surveys and reports, ensuring the viability of the borehole project.
3. Borehole Maintenance and Repair
Over time, boreholes may experience blockages, wear, or reduced water output. Bestcare offers borehole maintenance services, which include cleaning, repairs, and replacements of worn-out parts to restore the borehole’s efficiency.
4. Borehole Pump Installation
After drilling a borehole, installing the right pump is critical to ensuring a steady water supply. Bestcare provides expert borehole pump installation services, offering advice on the best type of pump based on the borehole’s depth and intended use.
5. Water Pump Repairs
In addition to pump installation, Bestcare offers water pump repair services for existing boreholes. Whether the issue is mechanical or electrical, their team is equipped to troubleshoot and fix a wide range of problems.
6. Water Storage Solutions
Bestcare provides water storage solutions to complement borehole services. They offer installation of water tanks, both above-ground and underground, to ensure that clients have adequate water storage for daily needs or emergencies.
7. Borehole Inspection Services
Regular inspection of boreholes helps detect potential issues early. Bestcare’s borehole inspection services include checking water quality, pump performance, and structural integrity to ensure the system runs efficiently.
8. Water Treatment Solutions
In some cases, borehole water may need treatment to make it suitable for consumption or industrial use. Bestcare offers water treatment services such as filtration, UV treatment, and chlorination to ensure clean and safe water.
9. Solar Water Pump Installation
For areas without access to grid power, Bestcare provides solar water pump installation. These energy-efficient pumps are perfect for remote locations and help reduce electricity costs for long-term use.
Why Choose Bestcare Borehole Drilling?
Experienced Professionals: Bestcare’s team consists of skilled technicians, hydrogeologists, and engineers with years of experience in the field.
Modern Equipment: The company uses advanced drilling rigs and equipment to ensure accurate drilling and efficient service delivery.
Comprehensive Services: From the initial survey to pump installation and maintenance, Bestcare provides a full package of borehole solutions.
Customer Support: They offer excellent customer service and are available for consultations and support throughout the project lifecycle.
Affordable Solutions: Bestcare offers competitive pricing for all their services, ensuring clients get value for their money.
Areas of Operation
Bestcare Borehole Drilling serves a wide range of clients across Kenya, including Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, Kisumu, and surrounding areas. They work with residential homeowners, farmers, schools, and large industries, providing tailor-made solutions for different water needs.
If you’re looking for reliable and professional borehole drilling services in Kenya, Bestcare Borehole Drilling is a top choice. With their comprehensive service range, experienced team, and modern equipment, they ensure that you have a dependable water source for years to come
Get high quality borehole drilling services at affordable rates in Nairobi, Kiambu, Machakos, Kajiado, Nakuru, Eldoret, Mombasa and the rest of Kenya. We Drill boreholes and develop wells for homes, schools, community centers, organization and businesses.
Enjoy Top Notch Affordable Borehole Drilling Services in Nairobi, Mombasa, Machakos, Nakuru, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kitui, Isiolo, Turkana and the rest of Kenya
Borehole design, Borehole drilling and Borehole development is a complex operation. If you are considering installing a borehole and you would like the experience to be as streamlined and successful as possible then there are some key pointers to be aware of so that you can reduce what can be a frustating, time consuming and expensive affair.
You are here, so its very likely that you have gone through the pros and cons of acquiring borehold drilling services and owning your own sufficient borehole. We however take this opportunity to reiterate the importance of having your own borehole on your premises.
best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos
1. Huge savings on your water bill
You get water directly from nature and therefore, you are able to cut down on consumption. You have more water for , farming, cleaning, farm animals consumption and other uses.
2. Provides water security for your family
With your own borehole, you are guaranteed a continuous source of water. Water cuts whether by design or by accident have less effect on your water consumption rates for you, your home, family, institution or center.
3.Water independence
Going by the previous point, your own borehole grants you a better leve of independence on where you source your water. It definitely is desirable.
4. An investment / business opportunity
A borehole grants you the ability to avail water to the community or homes around you. You are at the discretion of how you make this happen. Whether its by charity or business. A borehole is indeed commercially viable. You are also able to save on expenditures on water and can allocate your financial resources to other needs.
Dial 0722466091 For Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya
Then again, everything comes with a cost and downsides. In this case, Drilling a borehole also has its challenges.
1. A messy process whereby your garden will need a period to renew.
The process will entail digging up loads of soil and dirt. Your well kept lawn could be messedup for the duration of the borehole drilling proccess. And it will need restoration and renewal. However, looking at the advantages of the final product, this con can be overlooked.
2. No guarantee of finding water (although we have a 100% success rate)
Its true that you are not guaranteed to find water at some of the spots you need your borehole drilled. However, our geological experts will do the necessary studies and assessments to ensure that the spot where the borehole drilling is conducted, is the right spot. And we can guarantee you with a 100%level of surerity, that once we start the drilling process, it wont be a futile process.
What is the Difference Between a Wellpoint and a Borehole?
a). Well
A Wellpoint is possible to be installed where the geological formation are favourable, preferably porous soil and the water table is relatively close to the surface. It consists of a PVC / polyethylene pipe inserted into the soil with a centrifugal pump mounted on the surface.
b). Borehole
The installation of a wellpoint takes approximately 2-4 hours. A Borehole is a much deeper extraction. A Borehole can have the depth of about 30 to 100 meters or even more. A large PVC / polyethylene casing are used to be able to install a submersible pump to extract the water to the surface. To install a borehole it can take approximately 3-5 days.
Our Exclusive Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya
Bestcare Services specializes in Wellpoint and Borehole drilling and maintenance. We offer a complete service that cover all aspects of wellpoints and boreholes.
Agriculture, Industrial & Domestic Borehole Drilling : Borehole drilling services for home owners to use on their farmlands, for agricultural use and domestic use. Have enough water to irrigate your crop and feed your farm animals. And some more water for your home-use.
Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Boreholes : When you have an old borehole that has been unused for some time, for one reason or another, reach out to us to help with rehabilitation, dredging, cleanup and reinstation.
Domestic & Industrial Pump Sales & Repairs : we deal in water pumps to help with retrieving water from your borehole, automating your water supply system by pumping the borehole water into your shower, taps and usage points.
Water Tank Storage Systems :
All Electrical Installations of Equipment
Irrigation Design & Installation
Excellent After Sale Service
Valve and Pipework
Dial 0722466091 For Borehole Drilling Services in Kenya
Prior to all the whole borehole drilling service and borehole accessories installations, we provide a written quotation. This will indicate the schedule of work and the associated costs, with our terms and conditions.
To provide you with a quotation, we need information about your requirements and location of the works. This can be provided via correspondence and a reconnaisance. With our knowledge and your information a quote will be ready in no time.
borehole drilling in kiambu, machakos, kajiado and nakuru keya
Dowsing: We have installed hundreds of boreholes without using the method of dowsing, but to put your mind at rest, we will put you in touch with a professional geophysicist on your request. He will charge a fee for his service and provide you with a hydro geological survey.
Boreholes are highly sought after facilities. With the expensive water rates and weather patterns, attention has increasingly focused on the necessity of this vital resource.
With prices now increasing plus standing charges, your wellpoint or borehole water supply can save huge amounts of money. A properly designed borehole can pay for itself, sometimes in a matter of months.
Borehole and wellpoint water supplies offer huge savings to many users, sport fields, housing schemes, farms and leisure centres. The installation of a borehole or wellpoint adds extra value to your property.
Constructing a Borehole after the Borehole Drilling process
You have to make sure that the contractor drilling your borehole or wellpoint has experience in your area. How he drills your borehole is just as important as where it is drilled.
In Kenya, Rotary Mud drilling is the most used due to the ground structure. After drilling to the required depth and water is found, the boreholes is lined with PVC casing (made of plastic) or steel casing depending on the ground structure.
Special screens are slotted (screened) to allow the water through at the right pressure. These slots avoid sediment being drawn in along with the water. The thickness of the PVC (class 16 PVC) is determined by the depth of the hole. The thinner classifications is class 12 or class 9.
The area around the screened PVC (annulus) is packed with gravel (grade 6) or 16/30 sand that act as a filter. The borehole is now ready to be “developed”. This is done by using a compressor to blow out the chemically treated water. This proses is done until perfectly clear water appears.
If the borehole is not “developed” it can have a big influence on the amount of water produced by the borehole. Steel casing is used only if a hard formation is encountered. The method of drilling will change from mud to rotary drilling to air percussion drilling. Steel sleeves are lowered down until the “rock” is struck. The air percussion drilling will proceed until water is struck. Clean and clear water is normally found in these rocks.
If it is necessary to line the hole with PVC, the PVC casing is inserted into the steel casing. The annulus between the steel and PVC is filled with gravel or 16/30 filter sand to act as a filter. The final, but very important part, is lowering a reliable stainless steel submersible pump, powered by electricity into the boreholes. The pump will bring water to the surface under pressure.
The size of the pump is determined by the flow of the water and the depth of the hole. A proper borehole for domestic purposes should deliver between 500 and 3500 litres of water per hour. Great care is taken in the way we do the engineering of the hole. We use safe, non-toxic materials within the boreholes.
best cheapest borehole drilling drillers services nairobi kenya kiambu machakos
Borehole Maintenance (Borehole maintenance services in Kenya)
Why install a perfect and high quality borehole if you don’t maintain it? Prevention is better than cure. To keep your borehole at peak efficiency, and minimize the possibility of a breakdown it is recommended that the borehole and pumps are serviced on a yearly basis.
Borehole Maintenance and Rehabilitation:
We offer services to assist with the maintenance and improvement of existing installations.
Rehabilitation of existing boreholes (cleaning with compressor)
Removing of borehole and booster pumps
Pump testing
Servicing of borehole and booster pumps
Cleaning of holding tanks
Upgrading of existing system
Servicing and maintenance of such an expensive asset will ensure maximum lifespan of pumps and boreholes.
Commercial Borehole Drilling in Kenya
We have experience of working in all walks of life, farmers and companies requiring a private supply for their own production processes or for irrigation purposes.
bestcare borehole drilling kenya
Cutting Costs
Boreholes pay for themselves in a very short time. Frequently cutting costs by at least 80%. Users such as these benefit by cutting costs and making major savings on water resources related expenditure :
Sports grounds and Golf courses
Domestic housing with small to big gardens
Rural villages and communities
Schools and learning institutions
Borehole Pumps, Pump Parts and Pump Supplies
Each borehole and wellpoint requires its own specific pump and parts for optimal use.
Submersible borehole pumps
Wellpoint pumps
Water Filters
Booster pumps
Fittings, pumps and valves
Water Storage Tanks
A water storage tank is fitted where the water pressure is not enough. Especially if you want to connect the water directly to your irrigation. Holding tanks vary in size and the size chosen will be determined after the amount of water is established from the borehole in conjunction with the quantity that is needed to irrigate.
A booster pump pumps water to the irrigation system. The filling of the storage tank from the borehole is attached via a level control device. Booster pumps vary in size depending on the needs and is fitted with a dry run protection unit. It can also be connected to stand up pipes around the property to feed hoses.
Bestcare Borehole Drilling Services is a privately owned company that specialises in professional drilling of boreholes throughout Kenya. We help individuals, home owners, schools, churches, community centers, water businesses, and other types of clients get highly efficient and productive boreholes.
Our borehole drilling services are available in Nairobi County, Machakos, Kajiado, Kiambu, Kitui, Mombasa, Malindi,Kwale, Nyeri, Meru, Embu, Isiolo, Samburu, Nakuru, Kisii, Kisumu, Kakamega, Busia, Vihiga, Uasin Gishu, Turkana, Migori, Nyandarua, Bomet and all the other counties, town and centers in Kenya.
Our team has more than 20 years of knowledge and expertise in this trade of business and all of our team members have a passion for what they do. Our outstanding experience and expertise are the foundation on which we built our reputation. Our employees also have years of experience in operating in different geological areas in Kenya.
Our services include (but are not limited to),
Rotary air-percussion drilling,
Odex drilling, water drilling,
Exploration for mining,
Drilling of blasting holes
Drilling of holes for power lines.
We have also done numerous projects in the private sector for farmers, at residential properties, hospitals and in rural areas. Ee have drilled more than 700 boreholes.
The location of your borehole is mainly determined by the borehole’s purpose and requires desk study, site assessments, and surveys to assess the following considerations:
Output What will it be used for? – Is it for drinking water, household use, irrigation or other water related functions?
Access Is there accessibility for the drilling team and equipment?
Location Is the proximity of the borehole location appropriate for its use?
Yield Will there be sufficient yield and appropriate water quality for the intended purpose?
Quality Have potential sources of water contamination been evaluated in the assessment?
Forms Has the required borehole application form been submitted to the municipality 14 days prior to abstraction?
bestcare borehole drilling services nairobi kenya
Borehole design is important and necessary. A well designed borehole with a professional install should result in a cost effective, reliable, robust method of obtaining water for the future.
Further, a well designed borehole can protect the natural groundwater from becoming contaminated. Sadly, borehole design and development is one of the most overlooked aspects within the industry and not enough time, care or attention is put into this vital stage of the process.
Current climate models predict that boreholes as a long-term supply and quality source of our groundwater should be highly considered.
Optimisation Ensures that the borehole has the best opportunity to be fit for purpose e.g. highest yield with minimum drawdown
Quality Best quality water possible for the installation
Fresh Free from salt water intrusion near coastal areas
Filtered Sand-free water
Protected Appropriate protection from contamination
Two 1.5 m mud pits are dug
The first is to capture the cuttings that surface during the drilling process
The second mud pit is to recirculate the now cleaner water back into the hole which assists the boring process
Drilling commences to the desired depth. Once we have water we drop our PVC casings down (unless it is a rock/boulder drill where the process differs). Construct appropriate formation of casings, screens, gravel and chipstone backfill which help filter the water
Once you have a water supply our drillers will:
Thoroughly flush the hole of all loose debris
Insert the pump and let it run for 24 hours to remove any contaminants
Assess the current water yield and improve if necessary
Ensure the formation of the casings, screens and gravel allow for easy passage of the water into the borehole
Ensure the borehole is fit for purpose e.g. yield, diameter, depth, casing and screen, gravel pack/formation etc.
The hole is secured with a cap
Electrical cables and the controls for the pump are run and tested
The site is cleaned
There are three main types of borehole drill terrains :
Mud Rotary drilling is a versatile and dependable technique ideal for drilling into soft rocks, sand and clay layers. The process uses rotating hollow drill pipes which carry down drilling muds to lubricate, cool and clean the drill bit whilst drilling the hole.
The Mud Rotary technique also coats the side of the borehole with a thin layer of clay from the drilling fluids which stabilises the wall of the borehole.
Once water has been located, the water is flushed clean and the walls of the borehole are stabilised with PVC casings.In Kenya, most areas are a combination of mud and rock drilling.
Rock Percussion drilling is used on hard rock layers and uses compressed air to drive a pneumatic hammer into the rock. Our rigs are combination rotary-percussion drilling, The combined hammering and rotation of the bit results in the relatively speedy penetration of hard rock.
Once you have drilled through rock it is a solid hole which nothing can collapse into. In Kenya, most areas are a combination of mud and rock drilling.
In areas, like Somerset West, the underlying rock structure consists of large boulders which can collapse into the hole whist drilling. BESTCARE drilling is a specialised drilling technique in which steel casings are attached to the hammer part of the drill and protect the drill and drilling process from dislodged boulders.
The steel casings are left in the ground to maintain the structure of the hole. This method, like rock drilling, uses an air compressor which drives a pneumatic hammer through the rock.
As pertains to borehole drilling and development services in Kenya, we are able to deliver the services listed here with speed, precision and quality results, at affordable charges :
A variety of borehole drilling methods are used to assess the geophysical property of the underlying area for the drilling of boreholes in private and public sectors. The type of ground and geology of the site will determine depth of the borehole, because ground water flows differently at different locations. The purpose for drilling the borehole will also affect the water quality needed and processes used to sink the borehole successfully.
An excellent option when unconsolidated formations are too dense or cobbly for Auger Drilling. Odex is an adaptation of the down-hole air hammer system that is designed to advance casing during drilling. Once a desired depth is reached the eccentric bit can be retrieved leaving the casing in place for sampling or installations.
This is the initial phase of drilling for the purpose of determining the physical properties and boundaries of a reservoir. Exploration Drilling should occur before development drilling should take place.
The supply, installation and commissioning of a pump system depends largely on the depth of the borehole, piping and the amount of water to be pumped into the pressure requirements of the system. The borehole submersible pump will pump into a pressure tank linked to the main water supply of the borehole submersible pump, then pump out the tank using a pressure pump to the home.
Different diameter size drilling and depths required for power line poles.
Installing water filtration systems to ensure all undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases are removed from the water in order to produce water for all household purposes.
Borehole and pump maintenance is important to adhere to in order to ensure the best returns on your investment. Quality constructed private water supply systems require routine maintenance. With regular borehole maintenance check-ups you can not only extend the working life of the borehole but also maintain its efficiency and borehole yield.
Having gone through the detailed information about boreholes, why you need one, the drilling process, types of boreholes and the borehole drilling services that we offer in Kenya, here is how you can get our borehole drilling services :
#1 Borehole-drilling copany in nairobi kenya
We encourage our clients to request a basic drilling quotation before a site visit..
After the completion of the site visit and acceptance of the quotation, terms and conditions allocates a spot on the drilling list.
The drilling process is planned and prepared on-site before we commence with the drilling to ensure the client’s best interest is kept at heart.
We clean the premises and surrounding area after drilling. We will strive to return the area back to its normal state. Items of value should just be removed prior to the drilling process.
A water sample is tested to establish the quality of water. Test pump installed to determine per hour flow rate of borehole and installation depth.
After the flow rate test was completed we provide you with another quote for the borehole pump and other water services requirements.
After acceptance of the installation quotation we install the borehole pump and any other installations as required.
We visit our customers after installation to welcome you to the borehole family and ensure that you are satisfied with the completed work done on your premises.