Bee removal services

Professional bee removal services in Nairobi Kenya. We don’t kill the bees but safely remove them from your residence. At Bestcare Bee Removal Services, WE LOVE BEES! And they are protected. We do everything we can to remove honey bees without harming them, this goes for Bumble bees too.


[cq_vc_infoblock iconstyle=”asbar” bgcolor=”rgba(0,102,191,0.3)” elementshape=”rounded” title=”BEES ARE VERY IMPORTANT AND USEFUL” subtitle=”We move and remove bees safely, to ensure that your living space is safe, and the bees find a new home” avatartype=”image” avatarimage=”10739″ avatarpos=”left” avatarwidth=”60″ avatarsize=”small” buttontext=”DIAL 0722566999 FOR BEE REMOVAL & RELOCATION” buttonsize=”sm” buttonlink=”url:tel%3A%2B254722566999″]Bees are incredibly useful to both the environment and human beings. They are one of the most important pollinators in the world, and play a vital role in the reproduction of many plant species. Without bees, many crops would fail, resulting in a significant reduction in food production.

In addition to pollination, bees are also responsible for producing honey, beeswax, and other products that are used in a variety of industries. Honey, for example, is not only a delicious food, but also has many medicinal properties and is used in skincare products.

Bees also play an important role in maintaining the biodiversity of ecosystems, and their presence can be an indicator of the health of an environment.

However, bee populations around the world have been declining due to a variety of factors, including habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease. It is important to protect and support bee populations in order to maintain their important contributions to the environment and our society.[/cq_vc_infoblock]


We offer Professional bee removal services in Nairobi and the rest of Kenya. We don’t kill the bees but safely remove them from your residence. At Bestcare Bee Removal Services, WE LOVE BEES! And they are protected. We do everything we can to remove honey bees without harming them, this goes for Bumble bees too.

Removing Bees Nests save the bees. We love bees. And they are protected. We do everything we can to remove honey bees without harming them, this goes for Bumble bees too. However, if bumble bees are in an inaccessible area unfortunately they will need to be destroyed.

As for Honey bees, on the rare occasion and last resort honey bees may be exterminated, this is usually only when the areas are inaccessible and the bees pose a serious risk to health. We are able to provide a same day response and emergency bee removal services in the evenings and on weekends in many parts of the Nairobi and sorrounding area, leaving you free of bees and the inconvenience they bring.


Safe Bee Removal Services in Nairobi

We are experienced and qualified in removal of bees. If you have a problem you will require one of the following services that we provide:

Swarm and Bee nest removal: Swarms are physically removed and this will NOT harm the bees. We are then able to re-home the whole swarm.

Hive removal: if bees have created their hive (the honey-comb nests) in your property, then this will need to be removed, failure to remove the nest can lead to much bigger problems. The honey bees creation is made up of sugars which attract all sorts of other pests, if this is left in a cavity ceiling for example, it will rot and ants, flies and other creatures will begin to cause you problems as they attempt to feed from the sugar source. The honey can also destroy plasterboard ceilings and cause damp problems. (This service is usually a lot more involved than a standard removal or extermination and therefore higher cost).

Extermination: if bees are in an area that cannot be easily access for bee nest removal then we apply a highly effective eradication treatment to the entry points of the nest, this will be in the form of a powder or spray and will kill them off very quickly.

If you are in close proximity to the nest or swarm then you are likely to be seen as a threat and stings can be expected. We recommend bee removal services in Nairobi as early as possible.

So when they decide to swarm or nest in your cavity walls, bushes and roof soffits it really is a good idea to call the professionals and have the bee nest removal carried out. This is where Bestcare bee removal services in Nairobi come in.

There are many different species, and misconceptions associated with them.

Firstly not all of them are protected, only honey bees are protected, and even so, if they are proving to be a risk to health, i.e. in the home or office, they must then be either removed, or if access is difficult they will need to be exterminated.

Bestcare Bee Removal Services will always attempt to re-home swarms and remove bumble bee nests without harming the insect, however this is not always possible.

[cq_vc_infoblock iconstyle=”asbar” bgcolor=”rgba(0,0,0,0.15)” title=”SAFE HONEY BEE REMOVAL” avatartype=”image” avatarimage=”10740″ avatarwidth=”60″]Safe honey bee removal involves taking measures to ensure the safety of both the bees and the people involved in the removal process. Here are some steps that can be taken to achieve safe honey bee removal:

  1. Wear protective clothing: Before starting the removal process, it’s essential to wear protective clothing, such as a bee suit, gloves, and a veil. This will help prevent bee stings and protect against potential allergenic reactions.
  2. Identify the location of the hive: It’s important to locate the hive before starting the removal process. The hive may be hidden, so it’s best to observe the bees’ flight patterns to find it.
  3. Use smoke to calm the bees: Smoking the hive with a bee smoker can help calm the bees and reduce the likelihood of them stinging.
  4. Use a bee vacuum: A bee vacuum is a specialized vacuum designed to remove bees without harming them. This tool can help capture the bees without killing them.
  5. Relocate the bees: Once the bees have been captured, they should be relocated to a safe and suitable location. This could be a nearby apiary or a natural location away from people.
  6. Clean up the area: After the bees have been removed, the area should be thoroughly cleaned to prevent attracting other bees.

Remember, honey bee removal can be a dangerous process, and it’s recommended to consult with a professional beekeeper or pest control expert for assistance.[/cq_vc_infoblock]

[cq_vc_infoblock isresize=”yes” imagewidth=”60×60″ iconstyle=”asbar” bgcolor=”rgba(0,0,0,0.15)” title=”LIVE BEE REMOVAL” avatartype=”image” avatarimage=”10740″ avatarwidth=”60″]Live bee removal is the process of removing a bee colony from a structure or location without harming the bees. Here’s a general overview of how live bee removal is typically done, in a way that can be as humane as possible to the bees, thus environment friendly:

  1. Identify the location of the bee colony: The first step is to locate the bee colony. This may require some investigative work to determine where the bees are entering and exiting the structure.
  2. Assess the situation: Once the location of the bee colony has been identified, the bee removal specialist will assess the situation to determine the best method for removing the bees.
  3. Prepare for removal: The bee removal specialist will then prepare for the removal by gathering the necessary tools and equipment. This may include protective clothing, beekeeping tools, and a bee vac.
  4. Remove the bees: The bee removal specialist will then begin the process of removing the bees from the structure. Depending on the location of the colony, this may involve cutting into walls or ceilings. The bees are carefully collected and placed into a bee vac or hive box.
  5. Repair the structure: After the bees have been removed, the bee removal specialist will repair any damage that was made during the removal process. This may involve sealing up holes or replacing damaged materials.
  6. Relocate the bees: Finally, the bees are relocated to a new hive in a safe location where they can continue to thrive.



Bee relocation services, as offered by bee control companies, involve the humane and safe removal of bees from a location where they are causing a nuisance or posing a threat to humans, animals or property. Rather than exterminating the bees, relocation services aim to capture and transport the bees to a more suitable location, such as a nearby bee farm or other suitable habitat.

Bee relocation services are typically carried out by trained and experienced beekeepers, who use specialized equipment and techniques to safely capture and transport the bees. The process usually involves locating the hive or swarm, removing it from the location, and then transferring the bees into a specially designed container or box for transportation.

Once the bees are safely transported to their new location, they are released into a hive or other suitable habitat where they can continue to thrive and contribute to the local ecosystem. Bee relocation services are an important way to protect both bees and humans, as they help to preserve these important pollinators while also addressing any safety concerns or issues that may arise from their presence in a particular location.


We love bees a lot, for many reasons, some of which we are aware that you already have an idea of : Honey ! And we love handling of challenges with environment and life-friendly methods. And that is why we use the most humane methods possible to remove bees and relocate them. Humane bee removal is important for several reasons:

  1. Preservation of bees: Bees play a crucial role in pollinating crops and plants, making them an essential part of our food system. However, bee populations around the world have been declining due to various factors such as habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease. Humane bee removal allows bees to be safely relocated to a new habitat instead of being killed, helping to preserve their populations.
  2. Environmental impact: Bees are a vital part of the ecosystem, and their removal can have far-reaching consequences. Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which supports other wildlife and helps to maintain healthy ecosystems. Humane bee removal ensures that bees continue to play their role in the environment.
  3. Ethical considerations: Bees are sentient creatures that can experience pain and suffering, and it is important to consider their welfare when dealing with them. Humane bee removal is a more ethical option that ensures that bees are not subjected to unnecessary harm or stress.
  4. Legal requirements: In many areas, it is illegal to kill bees. Humane bee removal is a way to comply with legal requirements while also protecting bee populations.

Humane bee removal is an important practice that helps to protect bees, the environment, and the welfare of all creatures involved.


Killer bees, also known as Africanized honey bees, are a hybrid species of bees that are known for their aggressive behavior. Removing killer bees should be done with caution as they can pose a danger to humans and animals. Here are some steps that are commonly taken to remove killer bees:

  1. Identify the location of the bee hive: The first step in removing killer bees is to locate the hive. This can be done by observing the bees’ flight patterns, listening for buzzing sounds, and looking for honeycomb structures.
  2. Assess the situation: Once the hive is located, it’s important to assess the situation to determine the best approach for removal. Factors such as the size and location of the hive, the number of bees present, and the surrounding environment must be taken into consideration.
  3. Wear protective clothing: Protective clothing is essential when removing killer bees. This includes a bee suit, gloves, and a veil. It’s also recommended to wear thick clothing that covers the entire body, including the head and neck.
  4. Use smoke: Smoke is commonly used to calm the bees and make them less aggressive. A smoker can be used to generate smoke that is blown into the hive to pacify the bees.
  5. Remove the hive: The bee hive can be removed by cutting it out of its location and placing it in a container. The hive should be removed at night when the bees are less active.
  6. Dispose of the hive: Once the hive has been removed, it should be disposed of properly. This can be done by sealing it in a plastic bag and throwing it away in the trash.
  7. Relocate the bees: In some cases, the bees may be relocated to a safer location. This can be done by transferring the bees to a new hive or releasing them in a suitable area away from human populations.

It’s important to note that removing killer bees can be dangerous and should only be done by a professional beekeeper or pest control expert.


A bee colony is a social group of bees that live together in a hive or nest and work cooperatively for the survival and reproduction of the group. A typical bee colony consists of three types of bees: a queen bee, female worker bees, and male drones.

The queen bee is the only reproductive female in the colony and is responsible for laying eggs. The female worker bees are responsible for building and maintaining the hive, foraging for food, and taking care of the young bees. The male drones are responsible for mating with the queen bee.

Bee colonies are highly organized and operate on a complex system of communication and division of labor. Each bee has a specific role and responsibility within the colony, and they work together to ensure the survival and success of the group. Bee colonies are also important for pollination and are crucial to the health of many ecosystems.

Bestcare services offers the best Bee colony removal services in Nairobi, Kiambu, Mombasa, Machakos, Kitui, Muranga, Nyeri, Thika, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kericho, Kisii and the rest of Kenya. Looking for Safe and Humane Bee Removal Services “Near Me” ? then you are at the right place. Please get in touch with Bestcare Services to get your Bee removal and relocation services Journey started. We


Bee colony removal can be a delicate process and it’s important to get professional beekeepers or bee removal expert for it. Here are some general steps that are typically involved in bee colony removal:

  1. Identify the location of the colony: The first step is to locate the bee colony. This can be done by observing the flight patterns of the bees or by using tools such as thermal imaging cameras.
  2. Prepare the area: The area around the bee colony should be cleared and secured. People and pets should be kept away from the area to avoid disturbing the bees.
  3. Protect the removal team: The removal team should wear protective clothing, including a beekeeping suit, gloves, and a veil to prevent bee stings.
  4. Remove the hive: The bee colony can be removed by using a variety of techniques, such as vacuuming, cutting out the comb, or using a beekeeper’s box to capture the bees.
  5. Relocate the bees: Once the colony has been removed, the bees should be safely relocated to a new hive or area where they can continue to thrive and pollinate.

Bee colonies should only be removed by professionals who are trained and experienced in beekeeping and removal techniques. Without equipment and expertise, its dangerous and can harm both the bees and the remover